We are excited to announce that MedWorks Media’s flagship journal, Psychopharmacology Bulletin,
has been featured in EBSCO’s latest issue of New & Notable.

MedWorks Media (Psychopharmacology Bulletin) has partnered with EBSCO Information Services for over 15 years. EBSCO Information Services provides a complete and optimized research solution comprised of research databases, e-books and e-journals—all combined with the most powerful discovery service and management resources. EBSCO supports the information and collection development needs of libraries and other institutions and maximizes the search experience for researchers and other end users.

EBSCO has played a crucial role in acquiring institutional subscriptions to Psychopharmacology Bulletin, a journal that accepts no advertising. 2018 has been a very busy year for Psychopharmacology Bulletin, having published three Issues of Volume 48 by March, with another issue and two supplements on the way later this year. With all this activity, we are thrilled that EBSCO has chosen our journal to be featured in New & Notable this March. We hope to onboard some new subscriptions with this promotion, and provide our content to more psychiatrists and doctors around the world.

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