Seven-Year Analysis on Benzodiazepine Prescribing for Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults Showed Marked Increase

By |2018-08-09T08:01:59-07:00August 9th, 2018|Brief Bulletins from the Field, We Know Psychiatry|

Conclusions The overall increase in prevalence rates of BZD dispensations during the study period and the unexpectedly high proportion of individuals who were prescribed a BZD on a long-term basis at a young age indicate a lack of congruence with international and national guidelines. These findings highlight the need for [...]

Alzheimer’s Agent, BAN2401, Shows Promise; Trial Design Hits Snag

By |2018-08-02T07:56:18-07:00August 2nd, 2018|Brief Bulletins from the Field, We Know Psychiatry|

A monoclonal antibody,BAN2401, that targets soluble amyloid-beta oligomers, slowed cognitive decline by up to 47% while clearing brain amyloid in 81% of patients with mild cognitive impairment and very mild Alzheimer’s disease, according to phase 2 study results. A joint venture with Esai and Biogen, BAN2401, is among the most promising [...]

Bipolar Medication, Lamictal, Linked with Serious Immune System Reaction

By |2018-06-29T07:28:14-07:00June 29th, 2018|Brief Bulletins from the Field, We Know Psychiatry|

The Food and Drug Administration has issued a warning that the seizure and bipolar medication Lamictal (lamotrigine) can cause a rare but potentially life-threatening immune response. This life-threatening immune response, known as hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH), causes an uncontrolled immune response and can present as a persistent fever greater than 101° F. [...]

Effects of a depression-focused internet intervention in slot machine gamblers: A randomized controlled trial

By |2018-06-08T16:28:40-07:00June 8th, 2018|Brief Bulletins from the Field, Featured, We Know Psychiatry|

By Lara Bücker , Julia Bierbrodt, Iver Hand, Charlotte Wittekind, and Steffen Moritz Background Problematic and pathological gambling have been linked to depression. Despite a high demand for treatment and negative financial consequences, only a small fraction of problematic and pathological gamblers seek professional help. The existing treatment gap could be narrowed by providing [...]

Alzheimer’s Therapy Elenbecestat Reduces Brain Amyloid Levels, Trial Shows, but Decline of Clinical Symptoms Still a Question

By |2018-06-08T08:10:58-07:00June 8th, 2018|Brief Bulletins from the Field, Featured, We Know Psychiatry|

Treatment with the investigational compound elenbecestat reduced brain amyloid beta levels and was safe and well-tolerated, according to Phase 2 clinical trial results. The presence of amyloid beta plaques is a major characteristic of the brains of Alzheimer’s disease patients. Amyloid beta is produced through the work of a key enzyme called [...]

Esketamine nasal spray prevails in phase 3 trials

By |2018-06-06T07:29:40-07:00June 6th, 2018|Brief Bulletins from the Field, We Know Psychiatry|

MIAMI — The combination of an esketamine nasal spray and an oral antidepressant may provide additional benefits for patients with treatment-resistant major depressive disorder, new research suggested. Two posters at a meeting of the American Society of Clinical Psychopharmacology, formerly known as the New Clinical Drug Evaluation Unit meeting, presented [...]

MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy Improves PTSD

By |2018-06-05T15:12:24-07:00June 5th, 2018|Brief Bulletins from the Field, Featured, We Know Psychiatry|

MIAMI — Adding methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), also known as ecstasy, to intensive psychotherapy appears to relieve posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), regardless of the cause, pooled data from six phase 2 studies show. The findings were presented at the American Society of Clinical Psychopharmacology (ASCP) 2018 annual meeting. The pooled data from the [...]

An Alzheimer’s Antibiotic Receives Initial Funding

By |2018-06-01T09:11:54-07:00June 1st, 2018|Brief Bulletins from the Field, Featured, We Know Psychiatry|

Alzheimer’s disease startup Cortexyme was able to round up $76 million in funding for a potentially first-in-class treatment, while other companies are looking to move away from the field, according to a posting today on FierceBiotech. The healthy sum comes after the company completed an early safety study of its [...]

A Review of Clinical Literature: Stimulants, Insomnia and Psychiatric Comorbidity in Veterans

By |2018-05-11T16:26:32-07:00May 11th, 2018|We Know Psychiatry|

Prescription Stimulant Use, Misuse, and Motivations Approximately 16 million US adults used prescription stimulants in the preceding year (annual average), 5 million misused prescription stimulants without use disorders, and 0.4 million had use disorders, according to a recent study. Researchers conducted a nationally representative household population study of adults aged [...]

News From the APA Convocation: Antipsychotics, Opioids, and PTSD

By |2018-05-09T13:04:15-07:00May 9th, 2018|Brief Bulletins from the Field, We Know Psychiatry|

Study Shows Continued Use of Certain Antipsychotics During Pregnancy May Increase Risk of Gestational Diabetes New York, NY. Women who take certain antipsychotic medications and continue the use of these medications through pregnancy may be at increased risk for gestational diabetes, according to new research published online today by the American Journal of [...]

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