Psicofarmacología y neurociencia

By |2007-08-01T23:31:28-07:00August 1st, 2007|MedWorks, Psiquiatría y Salud Integral, We Know Psychiatry|

Functional images of the brain and psychopharmacology Dr. Humberto Nicolini The various techniques of functional brain imaging have evolved surprisingly Ulti-mos in 15 years. Since the appearance of the skull radiography and electroencephalogram-techniques for over 100 years were the only tools for the brain, either in structure and function-until the [...]

Resúmenes clínicos

By |2007-08-01T23:25:55-07:00August 1st, 2007|MedWorks, Psiquiatría y Salud Integral, We Know Psychiatry|

Abstracts of XVII Peruvian Congress of Psychiatry "Federico Sal y Rosas" Bolivarian II Regional Meeting of the Latin American Psychiatric Association and I Regional Meeting of the World Psychiatric Association Chosen by Drs. Juan Mezzich, Gabriela and Maria Isabel Zapata Kuroiwa   Subjectivity in psychiatry and psychopathological phenomena Dr. Gastelumendi [...]

Reseña educativa

By |2007-08-01T23:15:08-07:00August 1st, 2007|MedWorks, Psiquiatría y Salud Integral, We Know Psychiatry|

Keywords: bipolar disorder, drug treatment, mood disorders, mania, schizophrenia, depression mayorLineamientos consensus of experts for the pharmacological treatment of bipolar disorder: a new therapeutic tool Dr. David A. Kahn, Dr. Gary S. Sachs, Dr. David J. Printz, Prof. Daniel Carpenter, Dr. John P. Docherty, and Prof. Ruth Ross   Introduction [...]

Reseña educativa

By |2007-08-01T23:13:14-07:00August 1st, 2007|MedWorks, Psiquiatría y Salud Integral, We Know Psychiatry|

Therapeutic and diagnostic ADHD Guide - Part I Dr. Peter S. Jensen and Ms. Maura Crowe   Background disorder attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most common behavioral / emotional disorder among school-age children and adolescents. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (Diagnostic and Statistical [...]

Caso clínico

By |2007-08-01T23:10:12-07:00August 1st, 2007|MedWorks, Psiquiatría y Salud Integral, We Know Psychiatry|

Delirium Trihexyphenidyl Hydrochloride Dr. Andres and Dr. Jaime Solis Heerlein   Summary For a patient of 17 years old, single, student, who is taken by her parents to consult the emergency service by behavioral problems, disorientation, paranoid and suicidal ideation, secondary use of trihexyphenidyl hydrochloride associated with consumption is presented [...]

Caso clínico

By |2007-08-01T23:08:10-07:00August 1st, 2007|MedWorks, Psiquiatría y Salud Integral, We Know Psychiatry|

Light therapy for seasonal depressive disorder Dr. Andrés Heerlein   Introduction Since the work of Rosenthal and colleagues1 pioneers of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and phototherapy, many authors have stressed the need to include this kind of therapeutic tool in the treatment guidelines disorders ánimo.1-3 Light therapy was first introduced [...]

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